Thursday, November 11, 2010

9 Days Past Ovulation And Cervical Muscus

Nearly half of the municipalities of the province does not purify the water still

treatment of water resources within, despite efforts, it remains the great unfinished business of the province. The Serrania de Ronda, and the Axarquia Guadalhorce are the counties with the most deprived

Today is World Environment Day, but Manchester seems to have many reasons to celebrate. All experts and consulted by this newspaper politicians insist ecological point out two areas where the province still has room for improvement: the uncontrolled development by the brick and the purification of wastewater.

Although the comprehensive cleanup of the Costa del Sol is nearing completion, has not completed the major unresolved: a map of the purification of waste water into the interior, highlighted Miguel Esteban Martin, Deputy Environment the Provincial Council of Malaga, which asserts that half of the municipalities in the province do not treat their waters. In total, 46 of the 101 villages. A vast territory composed mostly "Small and medium towns."

The problem mainly affects the regions of Guadalhorce, the Axarquia and the Serrania de Ronda. "It is worrying, for example, has no sewage Nerja yet. It is essential to finish the integral sanitation, but also water purification inside, "he added. How? Says it is not necessary to a treatment plant for people, but you can build several plants that are shared by a number of populations. "The Board is now complete by 2015 the policy framework that speaks of good rivers and water", he adds.

The Board, in turn, gives other numbers, although they do not include the towns of between 2,000 and 50,000 inhabitants. The Provincial Delegate of Environment, Remedios Martel, states that "88.4% of the province, ie 1.4 million people, has access to treated water." Municipalities with more than 100,000 have treated water, as well as the towns of between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. The low number when talking about small, ie, those with fewer than 2,000 residents. 48% of these (43) did not improve his water. But do not forget that Nerja has no filter, that of Torrox has not yet come up and there are other populations of an average Coin and Alora and neither do you. The Board states that there is an investment exceeding 54 million euros in treatment plants are running or have already been awarded.

The head of Ecologists in Action Axarquia, Rafael Yus, acknowledges that the interior "has made a great effort, but the facilities are damaged too much and lacks the appropriate personnel. Of hundred people, many without sanitation. "

The coordinator of the Forum for Comprehensive Sanitation Costa del Sol, Salvador Vilches, endorsed the complaint to complete the purification treatment of water inside, "because then it just flows into the sea and creams are created. " "The Guadalhorce, as one technician, is a huge cesspool," says Vilches. This calls for a third plant to the capital.
Way age to be subjected to euthanasia by presenting several days "symptoms of physical deterioration and severe pain," according to Europa Press reported Program Ex-Situ Conservation of the Iberian lynx.

Born in 1990, the case of 'Brown' is a record for longevity for the species, of which there was no known animal that had survived more than 13 years.
'Morena' suffering from the common problems of an older animal, and despite not being an exemplary player, he served during his last years a very important role as mother of the most nervous individuals who entered the former Conservation Program situ, pointed to the same sources.

The specimen, from Sierra Morena went with 'Saliega', 'Aura' and 'Hope' one of the females who participated as a player in the first year of the breeding center of El Acebuche (Doñana) in 2003. However, never got to breed.

'Morena' was found to be still a puppy in the vicinity of the reservoir Encinarejo in Andújar (Jaén) and has since remained in captivity. She grew up in the Recovery Centre in Endangered Species (CREA) of Quiebrajano, Jaén and moved in April 1991 to existing facilities Biological Reserve Doñana (EBD) of the CSIC, which already harbored additional copies.
was in November 1992 following the inauguration of the Experimental Center of the captive breeding of the Acebuche Iberian lynx in Doñana National Park, where Brown was moved to what would be his final home for 18 years. His wild behavior and good physical condition made her the star of numerous films and photographs that raised awareness in society about the need and importance of recovering this beautiful cat, the most THREATENED the planet, which disappeared from our forests at breakneck speed.
NURSE FOR PUPPIES Similarly, his face is a symbol of many organizations and many of his photographs have been around the world on countless occasions. Even in the latter year, a picture of Morena has become front page of the report "Wildlife in a Changing World 'published by the IUCN, where' Morena 'simulating appears out of a dark mist, representing the hope and effort to pull the Iberian lynx is the darkness extinction. 'Morena' was the "precursor" to the creation of the current breeding center of El Acebuche and death, as these sources said, "is a great loss" for all caregivers who have been fortunate to work with this issue, but also the "satisfaction of having fulfilled the commitment made to ensure the best quality of life for as many years as possible and, at the time that this quality does not exist, give the final peaceful and dignified it deserves a copy irreplaceable. " Way 0
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