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VI English Congress on Breastfeeding
The Ministry of Environment of the Andalusian Government has launched a project to reintroduce deer populations in natural areas of the province of Malaga, which has started with the release of five specimens of this species in the Reserve Andaluza de Caza existing in the Natural Park of Sierra Tejeda, Alhama and Almijara.
As reported by the Provincial Delegate of Environment, Remedios Martel, copies are released four females and one male from a wild population of the Natural Park of the Acorns, space located in the province of Cadiz and also occupies part of the province of Malaga.
Martel noted in a statement that the reintroduction is done with actions habitat improvement efforts to increase the absorption capacity of the environment, "for which it has built a fence where acclimatization deer stay for a while and then are released. "
As he stated, released individuals have been selected on the basis of their morphological characteristics and genetic , which is considered to be belong to a population as close as possible drop zone, "so that copies suitable for Sierra Tejeda, Alhama Almijara and come from populations originating in the mountains of Cadiz and Malaga for afforestation in the south of the Guadalquivir river."
At released copies have been taken a genetic sample to certify its origin and veterinary samples to analyze its condition and ensure their good health. In addition, each deer has a microchip and headphone ear tags that allow subsequent identification and tracking.
The increasingly deer population is the first to be held in Málaga province and is expected to develop new reintroductions Huétor Mountains Natural Park (Granada), which will add to the one developed in January at the Parque Natural Sierra de Andújar (Jaén), which released four copies of venison. According
recalled the company, different copies loose are part of the Management Plan and Reintroduction of Andalusia Corzo, the Ministry of Environment launched in 2009 with the aim to consolidate and increase range of this species in the community.
With this plan, the Board intends strengthen the Andalusian populations of this species and its reintroduction in areas where it became extinct in recent times, so as to encourage the upgrading and expanding populations currently exist.
addition to promoting the expansion of the species, the project aims to promote the quality certification of origin of the deer Andalusian, develop protocols and studies and awareness campaigns and promote awareness of the species to which the Board wants to agreements with holders of reserves, farms, hunting farms, hunting societies and others to get involved in the project.
Currently, the deer population in Andalusia is reduced to two nuclei separated by the river Guadalquivir. The first one, which is the most threatened , is located in Sierra Morena, in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Córdoba and Jaén, while the second, relatively abundant and well preserved, living among the mountains of Cadiz and Malaga.
Way exotic concern to the Andalusian Ministry of Environment. "By land, sea or air? From Southeast Asia, the location in northern Spain in the Asian hornet environmental triggered the alert. In just four years, this species has invaded 120,000 square kilometers in southern France and has recently entered Spain by the Basque Country and Navarra. Under these circumstances, the Board has launched a prevention protocol to try to prevent the colonization of the community by a species that has shown rapid expansion.
The Asian hornet shares with all invasive alien species a high environmental hazard. According to sources in the Ministry of Environment, the budget dedicated to the prevention and eradication in the case of these intrusive totaled 6 million euros between 2001 and 2010.
In total, seven lost Doñana lynx so far this year, representing more than 10% of its population
Both copies have not yet been identified, have been sent to the Center for Analysis and Diagnosis (CAD) to practice their respective necropsies.
Subsequently, on March 10 a male was found run over two years on the road to El Rocío Almonte, and finally, on 17 April, discovered the body of the female 'Lula', 9, who died from serious injuries after a fight with another cat.
Way This morning, some 400 volunteers
has been developed in the lagoon with a level of one meter of water, a situation that since 1997 there had for the banding, because normally the wetland is dry in August.Andalusian
The Environment Minister, José Juan Díaz Trillo, stressed that this year"Banding is the most cited environmental volunteer in Spain with young people from different backgrounds," said the adviser told reporters.
"The optimum situation in the Flemish town of Fuente de Piedra
highlights both scientific and conservation values \u200b\u200band educational
, besides being an opportunity for social involvement, volunteerism and the integration of the population in the countryside.The banding device was directed by the chief curator of the Laguna Fuente de Piedra, Manuel Rendón, who explained that the flamingo chicks have gone through a series of voluntary chains
you have two rings, one metal and one plastic, and we have taken parameters, samples blood and other types.
"We have taken samples of external parasites and pen for a bank that is being done at around the Mediterranean," said Rendón reporters.
The information obtained in the samples is essential to know the genetic and biological aspects of this bird