Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Almijara Alert: get the Asian hornet is emancipated

In total, seven lost Doñana lynx so far this year, representing more than 10% of its population

about 60 copies survive

The Iberian lynx survive in the wild in Doñana, comprising about 60 individuals that make this nucleus in the second most important after that exists in Sierra Morena, has suffered over the weekend produced a considerable reduction to the deaths of three individuals of this species in critical danger of extinction.

So, last Saturday morning was found dead of "Caribou", a male of five years from Sierra Morena to Doñana released in December 2008 to increase the genetic variability of the population that lives in this natural space, weakened by an outbreak of feline leukemia caused the death of eleven people in 2007 and significantly reduced the presence of males in the area.

According to information provided so far by the environmental administration and environmental sources, 'Caribou' was found dead Saturday morning in the town of Bonares (Huelva) for reasons still unknown, although early studies suggest that the animal suffered from a prolonged starvation with a high level of dehydration.

'Caribou', unlike 'Baya', another male Doñana translocated to the same purpose of strengthening the lynx population of this area yes is set in the countryside and has descendants failed to settle in the area, escaping at least two occasions of Doñana, where he reached the border with Portugal.

In fact, three months after being released in the Doñana Natural Space, 'Caribou' made headlines for his long journey of nearly 200 kilometers in the province of Huelva.
addition, in January 2009 the Ministry of Environment captured this specimen, which had reached the Natura 2000 site-Barranco Moura in Alentejo area Extremadura bordering Portugal, to replace the battery on your collar radio-tracking and to guarantee its location.
this animal movements have provided valuable information about the scattering processes which is considered the world's most endangered cat - about 220 surviving individuals between Sierra Morena and Doñana - especially in the face of experience reintroduction takes place in the region of Guadalmellato (Córdoba) and will continue next fall in Guarrizas (Jaén).
Strengthening the Doñana population with other specimens from the Sierra Morena core player is key to reducing the high levels of consanguinity of the Doñana lynx, as the loss of genetic variability is one of the greatest threats to the survival of the cat.


On the other hand, the same Saturday night, was found by another body guards preserve lynx in an advanced state of decomposition, providing only the coat and skin.

Also, the following Sunday morning, they found the body of another bobcat on the road 471 of Huelva, between the towns of Almonte and Hinojos. The specimen is an animal run over one and a half old baby in 2009, from the nucleus of the Puebla-Aznalcázar.

Both copies have not yet been identified, have been sent to the Center for Analysis and Diagnosis (CAD) to practice their respective necropsies.

death in 2010

In total, since the beginning of the year 2010 have died in the natural seven copies, which represents more than 10 percent of the 60 copies that are estimated to survive Doñana, distributed in about eleven core, of which 16 are females and twenty territorial cubs. However, since 2004 there has been an increase significant population, 50 per cent.

Thus, the first lynx found in Doñana died this year was the female 'Steppe', two years old and whose body was found in February in a way Villamanrique de la Condesa (Sevilla). A few weeks later, on 18 February, found the lifeless body of the male 'Fael' in Puebla del Río (Sevilla). In both cases, could not materialize the causes of death.

Subsequently, on March 10 a male was found run over two years on the road to El Rocío Almonte, and finally, on 17 April, discovered the body of the female 'Lula', 9, who died from serious injuries after a fight with another cat.

Way This morning, some 400 volunteers

has been developed in the lagoon with a level of one meter of water, a situation that since 1997 there had for the banding, because normally the wetland is dry in August.


The Environment Minister, José Juan Díaz Trillo, stressed that this year
has been a historical play from the 15,000 couples who have undergone
Fuente de Piedra, and who were born more than 8,000 chickens.

"Banding is the most cited environmental volunteer in Spain with young people from different backgrounds," said the adviser told reporters.

"The optimum situation in the Flemish town of Fuente de Piedra
is the result of good environmental conditions
and actions developed by the Andalusian Government in this enclave," added Diaz Trillo.

The Minister stressed that in this day

highlights both scientific and conservation values \u200b\u200band educational

, besides being an opportunity for social involvement, volunteerism and the integration of the population in the countryside.

The banding device was directed by the chief curator of the Laguna Fuente de Piedra, Manuel Rendón, who explained that the flamingo chicks have gone through a series of voluntary chains

you have two rings, one metal and one plastic, and we have taken parameters, samples blood and other types.


"We have taken samples of external parasites and pen for a bank that is being done at around the Mediterranean," said Rendón reporters.

"First you put the rings is measured torso, beak and wings, you see the crop to know what you eat and you then make it samples, "said Efe Luz, a volunteer from the University of Malaga. but this year is different, more spectacular this fund, "said a Emilio Efe, ornithologist come from the town of Malaga to Nerja. also the very people of the municipality is involved in the banding as recognized by Carmen, a resident of Fuente de Piedra: "

I come every year and I think something very nice , but this year, when we entered the lagoon without light and yet full of water, has been much better. "

Program Banding takes place since 1986 Flamingos at Fuente de Piedra and since 2008 also in the Odiel Marshes Natural Park, Huelva, according to information provided by the Ministry of Environment.
In this town of Malaga has been played since 1986 a total of 252,065 pairs of flamingos and welcomed the birth of 142,759 chickens, which have been marked so far 14,832.

The information obtained in the samples is essential to know the genetic and biological aspects of this bird
, because the age structure, recruitment rate and mortality, among other parameters, are used to understand its dynamics population and to develop more effective management for conservation.



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